Dedicated to the memory of Kam Wah Yip

Kam Wah Yip (葉錦華) was born in Hong Kong on 20 February 20 1948 and moved to Bristol in 1968. He is much loved and will always be remembered, as a loud, funny and much loved husband, father and grandfather.

You who knew our Dad will remember him as a man who was never too busy making a living that he forgot to make a life. He loved to laugh, often laughing until he was completely breathless, and it made everyone around him laugh too. And he spoke the way he lived: at full volume and booming with excitement.
每一位認識我父親的人都知道, 他絕不是忙於生計而忘記享受生活的人. 他愛笑, 經常大笑到喘不過氣, 爽朗的笑聲總是感染到身邊的每一個人也 跟著笑個不停. 他的生活正如他的說話方式一樣, 永遠都充滿活力、中氣 十足.
He was a family man but also had a huge circle of friends. When we were kids, we were convinced that our Dad knew EVERY Chinese person in Bristol and even our non-Chinese friends would test him with “Mr Yip, do you know the Chinese family who has the takeaway shop in...?”
父親以家庭為重, 但身邊也聚集著眾多好友. 兒時的我們, 深信父親認識 Bristol的每一位華人. 就連我們的非華人朋友也會問他: “葉先生, 您認識在 xxx開外賣店的華人家庭嗎?”
Dad loved and embraced gadgets and technology - he owned both a Betamax and VHS video player at the same time - and was the first person we knew to own a Laser Disc player. He set up his own home karaoke system well before they became popular. Later, he learnt how to use the internet and would spend hours surfing. He made Mum take a photo of him in an Apple shop buying the latest iPhone (in gold colour of course) so that he could send us the photo.
父親是個喜歡小玩意、接受新科技的人, 這從他同時擁有Betamax和VHS 錄影機就可見一班. 他也是我們認識的人中第一個擁有Laser Disc Player的 一位. 在Karaoke流行之前, 父親已在家中安裝好了整套系統. 後來他又自 學上網, 時常一上就是幾個小時. 父親有次還特意叫母親拍了他在Apple Store買最新款iPhone(當然是金色那款)的照片, 只為發給我們一看.
He had a natural warmth which drew people. Customers picking up food at his takeaway shop would call out a fond hello to Mike as he worked in the kitchen. He would often stop to talk to them. And language was no barrier: despite the fact that a neighbour spoke mainly in Italian and Dad mainly in Cantonese, they still managed to have a great conversation.
父親溫和的個性時刻感染著大家, 他在外賣店工作即使更忙都會放下 工作到樓面跟客人打召呼寒喧一番,語言對父親來說絶不是障礙,即 使是説意大利文的街坊,父親也能以廣東話對答如流,妙趣橫生.
Our Dad was young at heart and full of surprises, challenging us as kids to beat him at Pac-Man and amazing us with the discovery that he liked Take That so much he had bought their first CD. He even learnt to play Angry Birds so he could play it with his grandchildren.
父親一直存有一顆年輕的心, 當我們還是孩子時, 他總是讓我們挑戰玩 Pac-Man. 更讓我們覺得驚奇的是他格外喜歡Take That樂隊, 還買了他們 的第一張CD. 父親甚至學會玩Angry Birds, 只為了和孫兒分享遊戲的快樂.
Talking about grandchildren, Dad loved being a grandfather and threw himself into this new role with delight. No game was too silly or boring for him - whether it was pretending to be examined by a 3-year-old “doctor”, reading the same bedtime story over and over until he knew it by heart, or even just playing “plop plop” by throwing pebbles into the pond. When his grandchildren left after a weekend visit, he would say that where was no point waking up early the next day any more.
說到孫兒, 父親十分享受當祖父角色. 對他來說, 沒有什麽遊戲是幼稚或 無聊. 無論是讓3歲的“醫生”來檢查身體, 或在床邊重複熟唸地同一個故 事, 還是陪孩子們玩 plop plop 水漂, 他總是樂在其中. 當孫兒過完週末離 開後,你才會聽到父親說週一再沒必要早起了.         
After taking early retirement, our parents discovered holidays, especially cruises, with Dad excitedly telling us which new city or country they were off to next. We bought him a world map which was in Chinese and English so he always knew the names. This came after he tried to name Angkor Wat in English and couldn’t remember what it was called.
退休後, 父母特喜歡坐郵輪渡假. 父親總是興奮的告訴我們遊歷過的國 家和城市.我們特意送上一張中英對照的世界地圖,這樣他就永遠都能 分清那些地名. 原因是有一次他試著表達Angkor Wat, 卻想不起它的英文 說法.
Dad lived a rich and happy life, and only succumbed to ill health in the last few years. He was diagnosed with Parkinson’s but he was then later re-diagnosed in 2015 with PSP (Progressive Supranuclear Palsy) - a rare neurodegenerative brain condition which sadly has no cure.
父親的一生是充實而幸福, 只是在生命最後幾年健康狀況惡化. 他被診斷 有Parkinsons 症, 之後又被診斷有PSP (Progressive Supranuclear Palsy) - 2015, 一種罕見且無法康復的腦神經退化疾病.
Because it is a rare condition, most people have not heard of it and often doctors misdiagnose it in the early stages. Research is important to help the medical community understand what causes PSP, how to diagnose it correctly and early enough, and ultimately to find a cure. All Pak Kam 帛金 (£4,163.15) received at the funeral has been donated to the PSP Association.
正因這疾病很罕見, 大多數人亦從未聽過, 醫生們也經常在病症初期誤診. 科學研究對於醫藥界了解PSP的病因, 促成其更早發現和確診並找到治方 法更加重要. 所以我們已經將今天收到的全部帛金捐贈到PSP 恊會了 - 總共: £4163.15.

Thank you for being a part of our Dad’s life. We have been so blessed that he was such a huge part of ours. We love you, Dad xxx
父親我們萬分感謝你, 更深深感激你對我們的愛, 這是我們生命中不能 缺少.
We love you, Dad xxx


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